Day 75 - Homeward bound again

Today I would genuinely start the trip home.  I had no more scheduled stops and nobody left to stop and see.  However, Amy had given me until Friday to get home so I didn’t need to rush.  I’d still have two nights left in the “wild’ before I got home.

I woke up this morning to find everybody already moving about.  Kathy had an appointment to get to so Bill and I enjoyed a lot of great conversation.  It was amazing the topics we covered, I really did have a great time visiting.  Hopefully he and I can continue to share book recommendations and chat about them in the future.

Bill had expressed some interest in how all the camper pieces worked so, likely to the dismay of his neighbors, we pulled it out on the street and popped it up.  He explored it and asked some questions about all the workings of the various systems - I think he was considering having one for his hunting grounds.  Eventually Kathy got home, checked it out briefly, and then we were ready for lunch.  So, we put the camper back down and headed out for lunch.

Lunch was at the local Indian restaurant, Cinnamon.  It was DELICIOUS, we all agreed.  As a bonus, it appeared that the only worker there was the owner so we got to chat with her a bit.  It’s always amazing to me to find a business like this run by one person all the time.  It’s such a level of commitment.

After lunch, I packed up with a few more extra things (thank you Bill for sharing your beets, smaller thank you for hanging on to the fireworks for us!) and hit the road.  I’m heading almost due south today and while I briefly thought about where to stop, I decided largely to just play it by ear.

I stopped for gas after a few hours of driving and found a State Park called Great Seal.  It was about 350 miles from Midland so that felt like a good distance.  It said that it had camping, but it was unclear whether the camping was designed for campers so I called up the State Park reservation department.  I got a very helpful woman who told me it was a primitive site (no hookups) but that it would work.  So, I reserved a site and off I went.

I pulled into the site in the early evening and set up the camper.  The campsite was largely deserted with one other tent camper to share it with me. 

I called home to check in on everybody and then captured the sun as it set over the Scioto River.  There was still just enough daylight to explore a bit so I did a short hike to see what the trails looked like.  

As dark fell over the park, I went back to the camper, had a delicious microwave burrito dinner and headed to bed.

Total mileage - 13,177

# States/Provinces - 21 / 2


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