Day 74 - A second diversion in the Nort

 While Midland, MI was also not on the direct route home, it had been many years since I had been able to get up there and see my Aunt and Uncle so I decided to add yet another diversion to the trip.  Midland was my destination for the day, but before I departed, I still had a nephew to enjoy!

Since we all had gone to bed pretty early, we also got up pretty early.  The good news, at least for me, was that Harlod was awake and in a great mood.  We enjoyed some breakfast and then headed out for a morning walk before Harold went over to daycare and his Mom and Dad started their day.

It was a beautiful Midwestern morning - crisp, cool, with some dew on the ground.  Being able to have Harold and Amanda come out for a walk was the ideal way to start the day, at least as far as I was concerned.  We found some nice flowers to see and also wandered the local community garden.  It looked great and made me want to harvest some for myself!

After the walk though, it was time for me to get on the road and them to get to work.  So, I said my farewells and off I went. 

Once on the road, I found out just how long a day I was facing.  While I initially had thought about getting a cup of coffee with my friend AB, When I found out that I had a 7+ hour drive on my hands, I had to politely postpone it to another day.  I sincerely hope we are able to meet up though.

The rest of the day was just what you would imagine.  Traffic on 80/94 as I rounded the bend south of Lake Michigan and then open roads from there on.  After many hours in the car, I arrived in Midland.  

It was a nice cool day in Midland (unlike what they had been experiencing) so we sat outside for a bit and just enjoyed catching up on a few things.  Immediately, I knew I had made the right decision to make the diversion.  

We swapped a few bits of knowledge about tech and how to use it before the setting sun had all of us ready for bed.  If you have to spend much of your day driving, starting it with your nephew and finishing with your uncle sure seems a great way to spend it to me!

Total mileage - 12,833

# States/Provinces - 20 / 2


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