Day 26 - Guajome Park, San Diego, CA - We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo

We started our day with a hearty breakfast of pancakes and eggs because we knew we were off to walk a lot!  It has been more than a few years since our last visit to the San Diego Zoo, but we still remember how long we walked due to the lack of an efficient way to see all the animals.  After filling our bellies, we started downtown with only a small stop at the post office to drop off some post cards between us and the zoo.

On the way to the zoo, we got lost, but it we knew it was okay because we ended up on Robinson Avenue!

The zoo continued to be a challenge from a layout perspective and so we repeated the picture of Amy trying to figure out the map so many years later.

The San Diego Zoo really is HUGE and has so many animals.  Sebastian wanted to see everything, but Robinson was more interested in repeatedly riding the skyfari.  So we split up and let each of them do their bits.

While in the park, Rob was our photographer - he was very interested in capturing the animals which was great to see.  Sebastian was our navigator and did his best to get us around the zoo as efficiently as possible and still see everything.  We believe that Sebastian and Amy did indeed see everything.  All of us got a ride on the bus tour and the skyfari and Robinson and I took a trip on the Kangaroo Bus.

We ended up being in the zoo for almost 8 hours which was only possible because the zoo doesn't actually close at 5 PM.  Some of the highlights that the boys wanted to mention include a cheetah, babirusa, hippos, an anteater that was sound asleep, and a tapir that was taking a bath - apparently all day long.  We also saw that the capybara didn't move much.  I guess when you're a rodent of that size, efficiency in movement is important.  We covered over 6 miles and spent so much time in the zoo that we didn't get to any other Balboa Park areas because we spent so much time there.  But we didn't regret it.

Just before we left, we stopped at the gift shop.  We had given the boys a budget for the next three days (Zoo, Legoland, and Universal Studios) so they had to budget accordingly.  Sebastian decided to save his money, but Robinson bought "Mac" the sloth and we welcome him to the family.

We headed back to camp, with a surprisingly low level of traffic.  We finished with a dinner of peas, corn, rice, and beans for dinner.  This was day one of three big days for us - hopefully the rest are just as good!

Total miles traveled - 4,853

# States (Provinces) - 14


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