Day 22 - Notes on 3 weeks on the road

I thought after 3 weeks, it would be a good chance to reflect on where I am personally after 3 weeks of not being at work.  Interestingly, I don’t feel all that different (though I have stopped having dreams/nightmares about work so a welcome change), but I think this is likely a factor of having something to do every day so there isn’t a morning where I am waking up and wondering what to do with myself.  

There was one moment of realization that I wasn’t working anymore.  We spent the one evening in an Embassy Suites and were there for both the snacks in the evening as well as the breakfast.  It was that moment, watching the corporate types there for their conference or meetings, that I realized that I wasn’t part of that group anymore.  In truth, their behavior looked so strange to me.  I knew then that I had been disconnected from the white collar community.  It’s odd.

Overall, I find myself a bit more relaxed, but the most significant change is that I feel like I am being far more present for the current moment.  Generally speaking, I’m not concerned with what needs to get done in the future which allows me to just enjoy the world around me at the moment I’m in it.  It’s wildly refreshing and I hope it’s something I can continue once the trip is over.

There have certainly been moments of stress on the trip - most notably the need to trade in our vehicle.  Also included on the trip are the waves of emotions.  I knew it wouldn’t all be smiles and laughter and it certainly hasn’t.  I got sick and was a bit of a crab and each of my family members has had days that were just more than they wanted them to be.

But the moments when someone in my family says either “This is awesome” or “This is amazing” are the memory solidifying moments that seem to be making the trip all worthwhile.

We just finished a long run of scenic desert beauty, now we’re heading into a bit more tourism in southern California before we get back into nature.  It’ll be interesting to see how the boys (and Amy and I) adjust to the change of scenery.  One way or another, I know that more memories are on tap.


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