Day 22 - Madison, WI - A wonderful wedding celebration

 We woke up late by Central Time standards and eventually wandered downstairs for some breakfast.  Waffles were the special of the day and we loaded them up with lots of vacation treats.  Then we split up a bit with the boys and Amy headed the pool while I went over to see my parents and the guests at the other hotel.

After a few hours of catching up with the out-of-town family, I went and picked up Amy and the boys.  We grabbed a quick lunch and hung around the hotel with the rest of the friends and family prior to the start of the party.  Later that afternoon, we headed over to the party to celebrate my sister’s wedding.

The party was TERRIFIC.  It was a cozy, informal affair that didn’t have the traditional wedding reception activities, but instead left it as an open invitation to meet the other guests, enjoy the time with them, and collectively celebrate Amanda and Sean’s wedding.  It was great for me to have Sebastian and Robinson meet their extended family.  We also got the opportunity to get pictures of my Mom with her 3 brothers, my Dad with his 2 brothers, and all eight cousins on my Mom’s side of the family.

Selfishly though, I really had a wonderful time with a lot of time spent with people I don’t get to see often enough.  Our trip was a topic of conversation and we had to relive the van sale/Rover purchase, but it was also a reminder of how lucky we are to be on the journey we are on.

But most importantly on the day, it was a chance to congratulate Sean and Amanda on all the changes they have had in life recently.  Since COVID hit, they got married, brought an adorable baby into the world, celebrated their one year anniversary, and so much more!  While that’s a lot of change, they seem to just be taking it all in stride.  I, for one, am impressed with how well they are managing all of the change and sure am one proud brother (and Uncle!)!

As the evening went on, Amy and the boys were given babysitting/petsitting duties which they performed admirably.  The rest of us enjoyed the party which, as if the fates knew, ended just as the first drops of rain started to fall.  What a great afternoon - I’m so glad we made the trip for it.

Total miles traveled - 4,151   

# States (Provinces) - 13


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