Day 21 - Las Vegas, NV to Madison, WI - A LONG transfer day

Well last night was not the ideal evening in advance of a long travel day.  We had heard that Las Vegas was windy and overnight it really showed its punch.  The wind was inconsistent and while it wasn’t Antelope Island strong, it was strong enough to make the camper loud and anything bud ideal for good sleep.

Regardless, the morning had come and we had a plane to catch.  So, we grabbed a couple of snacks, closed up the camper, piled into Rover, and left Dover behind at the KOA as we headed for LAS airport.  We had apparently gotten everything ready faster than anticipated because we had some time.  This allowed for a stop at the donut shop which served as a great distraction to the stress of catching a plane.

Because of a prior ticketing snafu, Amy was going to be flying separate from the boys and I - she would be going into ORD on American Airlines.  So, since she had a little more time than we did, she dropped us curbside so we could check our bags.  We did and then met her prior to going through security.  It was a short line and we were then ready to fly.  As we walked to our gate, we passed more slot machines.  The boys joked about them, but yes fellas - this is Las Vegas!

The flight had a nice tailwind and so in just under 3 hours we reversed our way across the trip - first the desert, then snow capped peaks and then finally, the expansive Midwest. 

We landed at MDW, grabbed our rental car and headed over to ORD to get Amy.  This was a bit slower than we would have liked because it was Friday afternoon in Chicago, but we picked her up and were on our way to Madison.

I-90 was moving pretty well and with just a short stop for some (reminder we’re classy) Taco Bell, we got to my sister’s house.  The boys got in their pet time and though Amanda’s little guy was asleep, Robinson was able to sneak in and see him.  Before long though it was clear that Amanda and Shawn were quite tired and ready to sleep.  So, we headed over to the hotel.

As an unusual moment for us, we were NOT tired (helps to be 2 time zones removed).  So, Robinson and Sebastian jumped into swim clothes and into the pool/splash park.  They stayed there until 10:30 which felt ridiculously late, but since it was only 8:30 our time, it seemed to work.  Then we dried off and got ready for bed - glad to be done with the long night of travel.

Total miles traveled - 4,151   

# States (Provinces) - 13


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