Day 10 - Salt Lake City, UT to Dinsoaur National Monument, UT - Welcome Rover!

Thanks to some feedback, I’ve realized that there was some slang that I wasn’t aware of with my previous blog title.  So, with the end of The Whale for us, we want to introduce Rover and it’s trailer, the now re-named Dover.  Rover is a 2019 Pathfinder Rock Creek edition.  We were lucky to find her and hope that she serves us well as we continue our adventure across the country.

If you would like more on what happened with the Whale (2011 white Honda Odyssey), see the link below

To welcome Rover to the family, we went out to get some fancy pizza to celebrate.  Unfortunately, the pizza place we wanted to get slices at only did slices for lunch.  So, we pulled an audible and got an extra fancy Hot N Ready from LIttle Caesar’s.  We also were right next to an A&W so we got a treat of both root beer and some lemon cake!

After dinner we took Rover on its first mountain pass as we headed back East towards Dinosaur National Monument.  Rover has a LOT of power and managed the mountains just find and thanks to a strong tailwind, with some excellent gas mileage.

We all arrived back to camp exhausted from a long day, but excited to hopefully put our car troubles behind us and relieved that The Whale made it to the sale in one non-molten piece.

Total miles travelled - 2,790 miles

# States (Provinces) - 10


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