Day 27 - The pieces are finally coming together (at Legoland - ha!)

Unlike yesterday, we managed to get an early start to the day.  This was great because it meant that we arrived at the gates of Legoland right as they were opening!  It was also great because we had to bring Dover along with us to Legoland so having fewer cars to deal with was definitely a plus.  The parking lot was so empty, I was a bit concerned we had a Wally World situation on our hands!

Even before we were walking in, there were Lego statues/structures everywhere.  The creativity to put them together was amazing.  As we strolled in, there was a dragon in a castle and at times the dragon (again, made of Lego) spewed smoke.

We went through the gate and apparently joined all the crowds that were there because we waited for what turned out to be our longest line of the day for the Ninjago ride.  We all agreed that it wasn’t worth the wait, but others really liked it.

The second ride was one for Robinson only - the Teknik coaster.  Robinson LOVED it and said “fast, giant stomach drop”.  I also thought it was a pretty good coaster - especially for a park focused on younger kids.  Amy and Sebastian opted to pass on this and instead opted for Bionicle Blaster and Lost Kingdom

Next stop was in the castle realm and there was a dragon coaster.  This time we all did it together and because the line was so short, we did it again!

From there, it was off to the favorite of the day - driving school.  No parents allowed, but the boys got a chance to practice driving.  They were issued licences at the end, but I would argue that the criteria for licensing needs to be revisited.

Then it was deep sea adventure which was like an aquarium combined with a glass bottom boat.  After the ‘underwater” adventure, we walked through the Lego cities with the new San Diego.  Here is where they put the Lego construction on full display.  It was amazing.  See a couple of the photos - just remember that everything is made of Lego.

After the cities, Amy and the boys did Captain Cranky’s challenge (pirate ship).  I passed because I didn’t need to vomit.  But I did join Emmit's Flying Adventure which was our first virtual coaster where the seats tip back and move to simulate the movements of the triple decker couch. It was super fun, I'd say the best ride of the day.

Our final adventure of the day was to enter the water park.  Despite being in southern California, the high for the day was only 75 degrees (and no humidity).  Since we had paid for it and it was a warm 75 because there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, we decided to at least explore the park.  The air was cold, but the water felt warm.  We rode just about every water slide in the park and then we all had goose bumps.

With that we were pretty well done with the park.  Only one last stop - the gift shop!  Robinson found a soft blanket with Lego heads on it and Sebastian got a foam sword.  Both were, as they say, happy campers as we headed back over to Chino Hills to set up in the near dark again.  Soon enough we were set up in the golden hills outside of LA.

Total Mileage - 4,988

# States (Provinces) - 14


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