Thoughts after a month back home

It's been a month since I got home. I wanted to put some notes of reflection on record, but I also wanted to have a chance to re-connect with the normal world before I did. 30 days feels like a good number of days to have the perspective to come to some conclusions on the trip and life in general. So, here goes. Main notes from the trip - The USA has a LOT to see in it. As a family we only entered ten states and really only entered two of them (Idaho and Arizona) in passing on the highway. We spent almost eight weeks in these eight states and saw snow capped mountains, farmlands, deserts, canyons, rivers, waterfalls, rain forests, sandy beaches, rocky coasts, and volcanoes. There are many countries that can't offer half of this list. - Despite having nine weeks to do all the exploring we did, it felt rushed. We covered almost 7,500 miles in those nine weeks so there's a reason it felt rushed, but when I left, of...